"Whether you are choosing aviation as a career or simply for the sheer thrill of flying,selecting the right school is vital to your success."

Gyrox Aviation is a world-class professional aviation flight training facility catering to all levels of pilot training. While it's true that flying brings with it unrivalled excitement and adventure, piloting an Aircraft remains a highly skilled and precise discipline.


Maintenance is probably one of the most forgotten and underrated aviation actions within all of the aerospace industry. Many people simply take for granted that the aircraft is safe. Any aircraft is only as safe as its last successful landing. This means there may be items lost, broken, corroded, chaffing or cracking that you may not be aware of as the pilot. How detailed, I mean how closely, did you look at the aircraft at the post flight inspection? Was there any fluid leakage? Were all the lights functional or did one burn out or break? It is auwful difficult to check rudder cables from the pilots station.

Gyrox Aviation conducts workshops on various topics ranging from welding to test flying. All course materials and supplies are included with the cost of the course.


Gyrox Aviation has over 105,000 square feet of hangar. We are ready to help you with all of your hangar service needs for your aircraft. We pride ourselves on offering our customers the best in aircraft detailing. For over five years, we've built our reputation on delivering unparalleled service and quality products at an exceptional value.

We use only the safest products, the most thoroughly tested cleaning methods, delivered by our highly skilled, professional technicians. And that attention to detail means you can count on us to leave your aircraft impeccably clean.


Gyrox Aviation has over 105,000 square feet of hangar. We are ready to help you with all of your hangar service needs for your aircraft. We pride ourselves on offering our customers the best in aircraft detailing. For over five years, we've built our reputation on delivering unparalleled service and quality products at an exceptional value.

We use only the safest products, the most thoroughly tested cleaning methods, delivered by our highly skilled, professional technicians. And that attention to detail means you can count on us to leave your aircraft impeccably clean.